Pastor I was wondering

      Have you ever had a question about the Bible or about religion that you always wanted to ask, but never had anyone to ask?    Here is your opportunity.   If you have a question about the Bible, or about doctrine, or Christian life, please contact Pastor Adrian using the form here, Question for Pastor  


  QUESTION:  Is it wrong to use marijuana for medicinal purposes?   How about using it for recreational purposes?

           OK, we've answered the first part of that question, and I believe it's pretty easy to see that using marijuana as a medication for pain, would be like taking any other narcotic for pain.  As long as a doctor prescribes it, there should be no problem either legally, or spiritually.

          But now comes the question whether it would be OK for Christians to use marijuana for recreational purposes, in areas where the use of marijuana for recreational purposes is no longer against the law.   

           It would be extremely easy to simply say, "A Christian should never use drugs and alcohol for recreational purposes," and be done with it.   But that is not a true statement, scripturally.   God's Word is clear that drunkenness is a sin!  And anytime we use a product and get into a state of drunkenness, that is clearly wrong, and not what a Christian should do.

           However, God has never condemned the use of alcohol in moderation.   And neither should we.  So now the question arises, is using marijuana for recreational purposes equivalent to drinking alcohol in moderation.   Can you use marijuana without becoming "drunk," or until you lose your inhibitions and start doing things that Christian ought not do?    

          That's a debate that will take too long for me to handle in this brief answer.  For this answer I will make the assumption that because our government has made the use of marijuana for recreational purposes legal, it is because it would be the same as having a number of drinks.   And if that is truly the case, then Christian Freedom would allow a Christian to use this drug as a calming and relaxing agent.

          However, before a Christian would want to do that, I would give a number of warnings that you must consider carefully.   

          Can you truly use marijuana without becoming "intoxicated"?     

         We know that with alcohol, the effects wear off quite quickly, and within a few hours will not show up in a test for when you are driving, or when you are at work.   You should probably understand how long the effects of marijuana will remain in your system.   For example, if you used marijuana when you got home from work at 4:30, and then went out for supper at 9:00, and if you were administered a test, would the results say that you are still being affected by the marijuana?  What about when you went to work the next day, and you needed to do a drug test!   Would the test indicate that the drug is still in your system, and could possibly affect your ability to do your job?   Then you have a major problem.  Because even though it is legal to use marijuana for recreational purposes, it is not OK to have marijuana in your system at work, and you can get fired for that.

          I raise these questions, not because I have the answers to them.  I don't have the answers.   My warning to you is to make sure you have clear answers to these questions, before you try to do something like this.   

           As with many things in our world, just because something is legal, that doesn't necessarily mean that it's OK for us Christian to do!   I also want you to know that God has given us many blessings on this earth, and as Christians we have the freedom from God, to do whatever does not cause us to sin, or cause other people to sin.  So, the question comes back to you as a Christian.  

          Get as much information as you can about the effects and the ramifications about marijuana, and then make your decision as to how God would want you to proceed.

          I pray that I have answered your questions.   At least in what God has to say about it.   

         Thank you again for your question.      







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