Posted on: Mon, 03/26/2018 - 22:11 By: Pastor

                                                                                   A VERY BLSSED EPIPHANY SEASON TO YOU ALL!


            January 6, in the church year, is called Epiphany!  It's a celebration of the Wise Men coming to worship the Christ-child.  Contrary to what most of our manger scenes show, the Wise Men were not at the stable when Jesus was born.  Oh, on that night they saw the star in the sky that God set there to announce the birth of His Son.  But it would take them around a year or a year and a half to figure out what that star meant, where they should be heading and then traveling to Israel.  By the time they got there, Mary, Joseph and Jesus were living in a house in Bethlehem.   

            Epiphany is sometimes, called "Christmas for the Gentiles."  The Wise men, Gentiles, possibly even unbelievers, were the only one who even recognized the star God placed in the sky that night.  And they came.  They came to worship what they knew as the "King of Israel."  And that is the first time in the Christmas story, that God welcomed Gentiles to come and worship.

            The Season of Epiphany will last in the church year until Lent starts.  During this part of the church year, the Sunday lessons talk about how Jesus revealed His deity to us by miracles, and by the spectacular things He did.  Epiphany always ends on the Sunday we call "Transfiguration," when Jesus gave His disciples a glimpse of His true glory and majesty, and they were terrified.    

             Jesus gave these demonstrations of His glory and majesty so that when we go through the season of Lent, and see Jesus humiliated, and crucified, we will not give up hope, but will know that this is still God's Almighty Son, humbly sacrificing Himself for us and for our salvation.

              Come and join us during the season of Epiphany and see the glory and majesty of Jesus' power displayed each and every week.  You are always welcome!  We'd love to see you!    




Come to our booth at the Strawberry Festival. Kids can make a free art project and get a treat. This year we will be making fish on a stick with cool stickers. Hours: Friday 11:00 am-7:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.