
Title Theme Sermon Date Verses
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany "HERE AM I! SEND ME!" Isaiah 6, 1-8
Fourth Sunday after Epiphany WHY WOULD GOD CHOOSE ME? Jeremiah 1, 4-10
Third Sunday after Epiphany WHAT WILL THE MESSIAH DO? Isaiah 61, 1-6
Second Sunday after Epiphany HOW MANY TIMES WOULD YOU NEED TO CHANGE YOUR NAME? Isaiah 62, 1-5
First Sunday after Epiphany "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE BEEN CHOSEN...." 1 Samuel 16, 1-13
Second Sunday after Christmas ZECHARIAH BREAKS HIS SILENCE! Luke 1, 67-75
First Sunday after Christmas JESUS' FIRST TRIP TO JERUSALEM Luke 2, 41-52
Fourth Sunday In Advent "GOD DOESN'T WANT SACRIFICES!" Hebrews 10, 5-10
Third Sunday in Advent "REJOICE IN THE LORD ALWAYS!" Philippians 4, 4-7
Second Sunday in Advent "YOUR PARTNERSHIP IN THE GOSPEL." Philippians 1, 3-11
First Sunday in Advent WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN TO THOSE POOR SOULS? 1 Thessalonians 3, 9-13
Last Sunday of End Times "JESUS OF NAZARETH! KING OF THE JEWS!" John 18, 33-37
Third Sunday of End Times A VOICE THAT CAN WAKE THE DEAD! John 5, 25-29
Second Sunday of End Times KNOW JESUS! KNOW PEACE! NO JESUS! NO PEACE! John 5, 19-24
The Festival of Reformation "Be Still And Know that I am God!" Mark 13, 5-11