Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity

"Let Him Who Walks In The Dark, Trust In The Name Of The Lord"
Isaiah 50, 4-10
582, 465, 428

                                                                                            ISAIAH 50, 4-10

            The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.   He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.  The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious; I have not drawn back.  I offered my back to those who beat me, my cheeks to those who pulled out my beard; I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting.  Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.

            Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.  He who vindicates me is near.  Who then will bring charges against me?  Let us face each other!  Who is my accuser?  Let him confront me!   It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me.  Who is he that will condemn me?  They will all wear out like a garment; the moths will eat them up.

            Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant?  Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.

            “Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God.”  So simple!  When you’re going through dark days, and you haven’t seen goodness and light for a long time, well, then just “trust in the name of the Lord,” and everything will be fine!  Simple isn’t it?

            But then isn’t that the problem?  When you’re walking through dark days, you can’t see any goodness from God, God’s ways don’t seem to make sense, you have no idea of why God is allowing these things to happen, that’s when your faith is the weakest!  I don’t know if I can trust God!  And to have someone tell us, “Oh, when things are really dark, just trust in God, and everything will be fine!” just doesn’t fly with us.   

            But then we’re told, “that’s what Jesus did!  When He went through all sorts of garbage he still trusted in God, His faith didn’t waver!”  And our next response is, “Yes, but Jesus was God!  God can do that type of stuff.  I’m just a human being with all sorts of weaknesses.  I just can’t do it.” 

            But in these verses, we’re reminded that Jesus was also a human being just like us.  But in these verses, Isaish doesn’t just tell us to trust in Jesus when our road is dark, he shows us how we too can say, “LET HIM WHO WALKS IN THE DARK, TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE LORD!”


            These verses talk about “The Servant of the Lord,” who will save God’s people.  In these we see the Servant being beaten and humiliated.  The very thing that happened to Jesus, as Jesus told His disciples in the gospel lesson.  “I offered my back to those who beat me.”  Think of the way the soldiers treated Jesus on Maundy Thursday.  Oh, Jesus didn’t offer saying, “Hey, guys, here’s my back, why don’t you whip and beat me.”  The powers that be decided to do that!  But Jesus didn’t fight it.  Jesus silently endured it, because He knew “This is not what these wicked men want, but what had ordained before the world was created.” 

            “My cheeks to those who pulled out my beard.”   It was a shame for a Jewish man to have someone shave off part of his beard.  He couldn’t show his face in public.  But these men aren’t just shaming Jesus by shaving off His beard, they are actually plucking the hairs out of his face, adding pain to his shame.  And still Jesus didn’t pull away, He didn’t fight.  I gave my face to those who wanted to shame me and give me pain.

            “I did not hide my face from mocking and spitting.”  Being mocked by heathen soldiers.  Being spit on.  That’s the cruelest form of humiliation a person can endure.  And yet, Jesus endured it. 

            And yet, the Servant of the Lord continues, “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.”  Oh, yes, Jesus was mocked and ridiculed.  Jesus was made to be a laughing stock among the people around him.  They did everything in their power to humiliate and dishonor Him.  But He was never “disgraced.”  Mocked!  Ridiculed!  Shamed!  Whipped and beaten! Finally executed like a criminal!  Yes!  But not “disgraced.”  “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.” 

            The eternal God of the universe was with Jesus, and was helping Jesus, and through all this was accomplishing what God had planned in the beginning.  The Savior would be humbled, and would be killed, and would be executed on a cross, so that He could save the world.  The Messiah would go through hours of torture, but would accomplish an eternity of life for the people of t his world.  The Servant of the Lord could put up with all the garbage these men handed out, because He knew the end of the story.  They would humble Him and execute Him.  But He would rise again to save the world from their sins.  And because of that, this Servant would not be disgraced.  He would accomplish exactly what God wanted done.  

            That’s the key for us too.  When we are walking in the dark, and life isn’t pleasant, keep your eyes on the end of the story.  This life is temporary as is everything that goes along with it.  In this world we are assured that there will be days of sunshine and bright clouds, and there will also be days of darkness when the sun doesn’t seem to shine at all.  There will be happiness and joy, and there will be anguish and pain.  But the one thing that remains constant.  Our God is near us through them all.  Our God will be with us, regardless of what is happening, and will keep us safe.  Keep your eyes on God, on God’s promise, and on God’s presence.  And you will never be “disgraced.”  And you will always be able to trust in His love and salvation.  


            There’s something else the Sovereign Lord has done for this Servant of the Lord.  “The Sovereign Lord has given me an instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary.”  Literally, “the tongue of those who have been taught.”  God had taught this Servant of the Lord everything He needed to know about the Messiah and what the Messiah would do. 

People had ideas about what this Messiah would do.  Most thought that the Messiah would come with power and glory.  He would do miraculous things.  He would show power and might only God has.  And then He would use that power to overthrow the governing powers of this world, restore the power and glory to Israel, and make our lives super comfortable.   

            But God had a different idea about what the Messiah would do.  And that is what God taught this Servant of the Lord.  The Messiah would come with power and might, and do things that only God can do.  But, then He would be sacrificed like every other perfect lamb of God for the sins of the world.  As soon as Jesus began His ministry, He knew where it was heading.  To Jerusalem!  To Pilate’s judgment hall!  To the cross.  He knew the truth.  And He proclaimed the truth.  And He would not let anything get in His way of fulfilling that truth.  Even if it was one of His closest friends who was saying it.  God had proclaimed this truth to the Servant.  And that is the truth He proclaimed.  That is the truth He accomplished. 

            And that is what the Sovereign Lord does for you and me.  “He wakens me morning by morning, wakens my ear to listen like one being taught.  The Sovereign Lord has opened my ears, and I have not been rebellious.”  Like with that Servant of the Lord, so the Lord has taken us under His wing and has been teaching us His truth.  Each time we open the Scriptures, or hear a sermon, or share the Lord’s Supper, the Lord is touching our ears and our hearts with His gospel.  He is telling us the truth.  Yes, God did create this universe in six days.   Yes, life is a precious gift from God.  Yes, God has given us His laws both in our hearts and on stone tablets.  Yes, Jesus was the Son of God who came to this earth and was born from a virgin.  Yes, Jesus, is the Son of God who suffered under Pontius Pilate, was killed, buried, and then rose again.  Yes, Jesus is the only way to Heaven.  Yes, God has redeemed us to be His own, and will take care of every aspect of our life.  And now that we have learned the truth, focus your eyes on that truth, and do not be distracted by the world’s foolish ideas.  

            Isaiah gives us a couple.  “Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.”  Like Jesus, I will go through turmoil and pain and indignities.  Sometimes, because of my faith.  Many times, just because I live in this sinful world.  But, “the Sovereign Lord helps me.”  I’ve got someone by my side, who is constantly helping me.  Protecting me.  Reminding me of the truths I’ve learned.  And that somebody is none other than the almighty God of the Universe. 

            Another thing God teaches me, “He who vindicates me is near.  Who then will bring charges against me?  The word “vindicate,” actually means, “declare me righteous and holy.”  My Sovereign Lord, who sacrificed His son to redeem me, has declared me “Innocent of all charges, holy and righteous.”  And that Sovereign Lord is standing right beside me, reminding me of my salvation.  “It is the Sovereign Lord who helps me.  Who is he that will condemn me?”   No one!  Not even my conscience!

            When we walk in the darkness, and there doesn’t seem to be much joy in our lives, it’s easy to think God has abandoned me, or God doesn’t care about me.  When I ask, what did I do to deserve this type of treatment from God, it’s easy for my conscience to plague me.  “What did I do to deserve this?”  Wow, where do I begin?  Look at all the garbage you’ve done to hurt people and offend God.  Oh, yeah, God is very justified in giving you all this and even more!”  It’s easy to think these things because that’s the way the world thinks.  And that’s the way the world wants you to think! 

            But you’ve been taught by the Sovereign Lord.  The Lord has filled you with the truth from God’s Word.  You know that God hasn’t abandoned you.  You know that God doesn’t punish you for evil deeds done in the past.  You know how far your God would go to save you, and make you His precious child.  All you need to do is look at Jesus.  So, why am I going through this darkness?  Why is God allowing me days where the sun doesn’t seem to shine?  I don’t know why?  But I do know “Who?”  God is the one who directs every step of our life!  Every step of your life!  Good and Bad.  Because that is the path God wants you to follow on the road to heaven.  Because God has something planned for you to do.  That’s what God taught you.  You know that!  And once we remember what God has taught us, it’s easier for us to agree with Isaiah.  Yes, “LET HIM WHO WALKS IN THE DARK, TRUST IN THE NAME OF THE LORD.”